title: Security Eventlog Cleared # описание правила
id: f2f01843-e7b8-4f95-a35a-d23584476423 # идентификатор правила
description: Some threat groups tend to delete the local 'Security' Eventlog using certain utitlities # описание детекта
tags: # тег правила
- attack.defense_evasion # тактика MITRE ATT&CK
- attack.t1070 # техника MITRE ATT&CK
- car.2016-04-002 # аналитика
author: Florian Roth
date: 2017/02/19
logsource: # источник обнаружения
product: windows # продукт
service: security # сервис получения событий
detection: # процесс обнаружения
- 517
- 1102
condition: selection
- Rollout of log collection agents (the setup routine often includes a reset of the local Eventlog)
- System provisioning (system reset before the golden image creation)
level: high
title: Suspicious LOLBINs User Agent # описание правила
id: 04427190-98d6-4bba-a0fb-5db3b73ec245 # уникальный идентификатор
description: Detect suspicious usage of LOLBIN tools # описание детекта
date: 2021/04/05 # дата создания правила
modified: 2021/04/05 # дата последнего изменения
references: # список источников
- https://lolbas-project.github.io/lolbas/Binaries/Certreq/
- https://lolbas-project.github.io/lolbas/Binaries/Certutil//
- https://lolbas-project.github.io/lolbas/Binaries/Regsvr32/
- https://lolbas-project.github.io/lolbas/Binaries/Msiexec
tags: # тег правила
- attack.comand_and_control # тактика MITRE ATT&CK
- attack.t1105 # техника MITRE ATT&CK
logsource: # источник журнала
category: webserver # категория журнала
detection: # процесс обнаружения
certreq_ua: # скачивание ПО с помощью certreq
- 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; Win32; NDES client')
powershell_iwr_ua: # скачивание ПО с помощью PowerShell
- 'Mozilla/'
- 'WindowsPowerShell/'
- c-uri:
- '/adfs/probe'
- curl|endswith:
- '.crl'
certutil_ua: # скачивание ПО с помощью certutil
- 'Microsoft-CryptoAPI/'
- cs-host|startswith:
- 'ocsp.'
- cs-host:
- 'ctldl.windowsupdate.com'
- cs(Content-Type):
- 'application/pkix-cert'
- 'application/pkix-crl'
- 'application/pkcs7-mime'
- 'application/ocsp-response'
- 'application/timestamp-reply'
- c-uri|endswith:
- '.crl'
- '.crt'
- '.p7c'
regsvr32_ua: # скачивание ПО с помощью regsvr32
- 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; Trident/7.0; .NET4.0C; .NET4.0E'
- 'MSOffice'
msiexec_ua: # скачивание ПО с помощью msiexec
- "Windows Installer"
condition: certreq_ua or (powershell_iwr_ua and not powershell_iwr_whitelists) or (certutil_ua and not certutil_whitelist) or (regsvr32_ua and not regsvr32_whitelist) or msiexec_ua
fields: # оценка события
- c-uri
- client_ip
- fields
- certutil.exe can upload other types of crypto files, in that case, the need to be added to the whitelist.
- Powershell iwr commandlet can later be used for other internal windows tasks.
level: medium
source = 'webaccess log' and (userAgent ~ 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; Win32; NDES client') OR ((userAgent ~ 'Mozilla/' and userAgent ~ 'WindowsPowerShell/') AND (url !~ '/adfs/probe' and url NOT MATCH '\.crl$')) OR ((userAgent MATCH '^Microsoft-CryptoAPI/') and (url NOT MATCH '^http?://ocsp\.' and url !~ 'ctldl.windowsupdate.com' and url !~ "www.download.windowsupdate.com" and mime != 'application/pkix-cert' and mime != 'application/pkix-crl' and mime != 'application/pkcs7-mime' and mime != 'application/ocsp-response' and mime != 'application/timestamp-reply' and url NOT MATCH '\.crl$' and url NOT MATCH '\.crt$' and url NOT MATCH '\.p7c$')) OR ((userAgent ~ 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; Trident/7.0; .NET4.0C; .NET4.0E') AND (userAgent !~ 'Office' and url !~ 'oneclient.sfx.ms' and url !~ 'live.com')) OR (userAgent = 'Windows Installer').